


“I am pretty sure they must be dead by now.”

“Damien!” I snapped, horrified that he could even think of such a thing.

He raised his hands in surrender, and I shot him a glare. It has been three days since we returned from our vacation with Courtney. She had succeeded in convincing Peace to leave this palace and go live with William and Ben in California. I wanted to stop her, but it seemed she had already made her decision.

And besides, she deserved a normal life. Away from all this madness. I mean, her sister got decapitated because of me; the least we could do was let her go.

“You know I am right; the safest place she could have been was with us. It does not matter if she flies to Russia; if your father and Magnus want to find her and use her as bait or collateral damage, they will,” Damien said blatantly, and I huffed before sinking deeper into my chair.

“Any news on them? Magnus and my father?” I asked, and he shook his head to the side.

I did not know why, but whe
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