


She was adorable. I could not take my eyes off. It was like I had to take care of two babies at once.

Rosaline sat on the veranda with her arms folded above her chest and a hard scowl on her face. She was glaring at nothing but thin air, and I almost felt sorry for it.

I could not hide my grin as I approached her with my hands behind my back. My little gift for her was completely out of her sight.

Yesterday we spent the entire day shopping for Ariana. I would occasionally catch a few of Rosaline’s envious glances, but whenever our eyes would meet, she would scoff and turn away.

Do not get me wrong, I did want to get something for her, but whenever I asked her, she would tell me she did not want anything and we should hurry up and leave.

But how could I miss the way she was staring at that Louis Vuitton bag and Versace golden heels?

When we left the mall, I could have sworn she was on the verge of tears. She was so moody; perhaps her heat was approaching.

When we got
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