


“Bloody mother fucker,” I groaned as I slowly came back to the world of the living. I was greeted with an immense amount of pain, like every single part of me felt like it had been set ablaze.

“Fucking shit!” I cursed as I tried to move; hell, even attempting to open my eyes was a chore.

“Those are not very nice words, daddy.”

And just like that, my eyelids flew apart. I was met by Ariana’s bright smile that reached all the way to her ears. She sat by my side on the bed with her legs crossed and her hands on my left one.

On my other side was Rosaline; her smile was not as wide as Ariana's, but it was warmer. Her eyes were glazed over, and I knew she was a second away from breaking into a crying fit. Her hands, which held my other right hand, squeezed them tightly as she spoke with a quiet voice.

“You are awake,” she said, her voice breaking at the end. Before I could even get the chance to respond, the two girls jumped on me like I did not have some of the greatest wo
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