
Chapter Sixty One


I cursed out loud to the empty room. Why had I done that? Why had i kissed him like a sex starved maniac?

And why did i stop him? That was the question my body was asking. I was so hot for him, wet for him, needy for him. His kiss had totally stolen every ounce of my control. I had been ready to let him do anything he wanted with me, to me. I had craved the loss of control, the descent into blissful oblivion at his hands and in the end that was what had jarred me back to reality.

The feelings inside of me had gone so far beyond just a simple case of lust. And I couldn’t deal with that. I just couldn’t.

I didn’t want to fall in love. I liked Jordan too much already and if i gave into my desire for him what would keep me from falling all the way? Nothing. I was too dangerously close to love already to take the. chance.

In that moment when he had told me that he would not be needing surgery I had just wanted to cling to him, and it had been so easy to imagine that our relatio
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goodnovel comment avatar
melanie lawrence
Now I don’t know about you guys, but from my knowledge a pregnancy only last 9 months and there are only about 4 weeks in a month. Last few chapters mentioned Nala was in her 9 th month and now it is 3 weeks later and they are yet to marry. Is she going to pop that baby out at the alter??
goodnovel comment avatar
Linda Parizeau
I dislike Nala so much. She doesn't deserve Jordan. What a f idiot

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