
The Moon Stone Pack's Priestess Meets Her Unfortunate Demise.


After the events at the anniversary party, my mood worsened once the effects of the alcohol wore off. I found myself constantly snapping at my colleagues, giving out orders in a harsh manner throughout the day. However, none of them seemed bothered by my harsh words, which left me confused until Micah explained it to me.

“Look, I don't know what you and your mate did last night,” The deliberate wiggle of his eyebrows made me growl but he continued, “But it has calmed your wolf a lot. The men and I were even afraid that you would lose control and were preparing a contingency plan just in case-”

“Yeah, I get it.” I ran a weary hand down my face. “What about the pack priestess? Has she returned from her trip?”

Micah nodded, and I was grateful that he agreed to change the topic, “Yes, she is. Some of our men also came back with some valuable information that would help us in finding out the children's whereabouts.”

Before he could elaborate more, I was already on my feet heading towa
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