

Michael's POV


The loud sound of the gunshot echoed around me. My feet sped off first, even though my mind seemed to have frozen. Danielle's wails could be heard from miles away. I vaguely heard Jonathan on the phone talking to the paramedics. And then my heart felt like it collapsed when I saw Dionnah falling to the ground, her body rolled down the first flight of stairs. I hurried to her side. "Dionnah!" I shouted. I knelt next to her, blood was pouring from her chest.

"Dee! No! Dionnah — Oh God! Oh God!" Dani was wailing.

"Dani, I need you to stay calm," I told her. Jonny was quickly by my side.

"The police and ambulance are on their way," Jonny spoke as he assessed the scene. His hands trembled with adrenaline, he didn't know how to help Dee.

Being a SEAL, I had some medical training, so I knew what to do. I lifted Dee and checked for an exit wound. "Good, the bullet went right through her. We just have to stop the bleeding until the paramedics get here. Dani, do you have
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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jesus Christ on a motorbike. I'm scared to go on.
goodnovel comment avatar
l don't mean to be rude, but I need one more chapter pls I'm stressing about the baby and momma, what about Michael, I hope he's not dead that's to easy of a way out,,, see how I'm stressing lol,,,, can't wait for the next chapter
goodnovel comment avatar
Maisie Deacon
Waiting impatiently for the new update.

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