

"Glad to see you enjoying my suffering.Put me down I did say I want to go for a walk and not be carried around."He gently sat her down."Thank you."She said,she was about to stalk off ahead of him when he pulled her back and kissed her,she melted instantly it's been so long since he's kissed her like this.

So long since his lips has tasted hers and explored her mouth his tongue gently coaxed her mouth open she willingly gave him entry allowing him in and at the same time taking too.A soft moan came from her,she pressed herself even more closer holding on more tightly drinking him in,she's missed him.

She felt his hand around her neck holding her head still he kissed her passionately,tenderly it moved through her.She could feel the love behind it and it made her own heart bloom and swell further with the love she has for him.For how long they stood kissing she has no clue but when he pulled away they were breathing heavily he rest his chin ontop of her head,she could hear his heart beat
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