

"Did you hear that."

"Most of it and it's clear she will hurt you to get what she wants be careful Adriana the woman is obsessed in getting him back does he know,have you told him."

No and she wasn't planning to Max had enough to deal with at the moment."No,please don't mention anything to anyone promise me."

"Adriana I-..."

"Promise me Cameroon,Max is away on business and the last thing he needs is to worry about an ex girlfriend who clearly has mental issues.I can handle this don't worry."

"I hope I'm not gonna regret this."Cameroon whispered."I promise."

"Thanks,I better go I'll see you soon."Cameroon nodded.

Adriana was busy setting flowers on the dining room table when her phone rang it's been two and a half weeks since Max left the days are dragging by slowly.

She misses him and wanted him to come home he calls whenever he wasn't too busy to check up on them.It's been a day since they've last spoken she hopes it was him calling,thankfully he hasn't asked about the flowers she ca
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