

With time, Our skins get older, Our health becomes weaker too, but our mentalities get older with Experiences.

       "That's it!" Aramide glared as her eyes met the blue base that had just been knocked down. “What did I tell you about running around the house?" She scolded as she pulled on her meanest face 

"But momma!" Aracely whined. She didn't mean to run around like that, She was just a bit hyper. Aramide glared at her daughter for a bit before she wiped the look off her face and said "you'll be the end of me" she muttered. 

"No, no, no" A thick accent called out, Aramide rolled her eyes, just what she needed "I am the only one that will be the end of you" Dared commented out of nowhere.

"Daddy!" Aracely screamed as She ran to her father and engulfed him in a hug, The eight-year had always been her father's daughter, probab

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