

    Before Aramide could object or speak; Her lips intertwined with Cole's, their noses grazed as a tear slipped down her eyes, Aramide knew the gravity of what had just happened, she knew she had fallen into a ditch she wasn't sure how to get out off, she knew she had just dug out all the emotions she had buried for years. but how exactly did she get here?


Aramide's grip tightened on her pillow as she cried into it, How could Dared even assume that? Why were humans so insensitive, was that what he thought of her? Did he think she was that weak? that she would fall into the arms of the next man who was close enough just to find comfort? that she traveled to another country just to be with Cole? the same Cole that she had abandoned years ago to get married to him? how could he even assume such? 

Besides, he was the one who had walked out on her that day, she could still vividly recall

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Author, please,one more chapter
goodnovel comment avatar
Is this the end of the story? No, I don't want it to end please

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