

Krystal was angry at Yunho because he just woke her up and made her have to leave her comfortable dream world. she was in the mood to relax a bit before her grandfather came and might make her unable to sleep for the next few days. But Yunho just said that one of the bosses of a drug cartel from Italy came to make transactions at The Wyn. And as a good host, like it or not, Krystal has to come down and welcome her new partner with a friendly welcome.

“Mr. Angelo has been waiting for you downstairs, Ms.”

"I know. Wait a minute, I'll get ready first."

Krystal walked away to her room which was on the third floor of the casino building. She had to at least look decent in front of the big bosses of the drug cartel so that he would be more interested in cooperating with her. Aren't men very weak against women? For that she will use the weakest side of men to ensnare him.

Fifteen minutes later Krystal appeared in front of Yunho in a tight dress fifteen inches above the knee that was so r
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