
Chapter Thirteen

I almost had a heart attack when Therese said she saw who laced the food with Wolfsbane. I know it was all shades of wrong, but I kind of wish I had let her die.

"One of the maids that helped in the kitchen; it was my first time seeing her in the pack house."

"You saw the maid do it?" I asked a little confused.

"I didn't catch her in the act though, but I just have a gut feeling that it is her."

"Did you know?" I said, slowly nodding my head.

"Yes Luna"

"Therese, it's almost dinner time."

"Oh, I completely forgot. We will talk more about this later Luna; dinner won't make itself," she said, running off.

I sighed in relief, when she was out if sight, to think she had caught me in the act made me almost go into a stroke.

* * * * * *

The rest of the week went by so quietly and uneventfully. Gertrude and Celine were still licking their wounds, while I went by my Luna's duties without a worry.

I barely see Agnar as Celine has him wrapped around her tiny fingers like a puppet.
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