
Disrupted Plans Part 2

Tina's POV

After dad advised me to leave the Luminous Pack grounds, I did just that. However, I did not go to his house. I went straight to Ray. Why not? He is my mate and father of my children after all. 

I wanted the kids go get time with their dad first before him meddling. Yes he meddles. He always does. 

Anyway, I has done my part and done it well. Upon deciding to go back, I discovered a barrier. Yes, an invisible barrier that just ensured I could not enter the Luminous Pack grounds. Disgruntled, I sent Hannah a message. So she could tell das of this new development. When she told him, he said it must have been erected by Summer. My blood boiled to the point of tipping over, upon hearing this!

Why is it always Summer who disrupts my plans? Almost perfectly set plans? This i definitely cannot stomach. I asked Hannah what father said should be the solution. She said only Summer's blood can grant us access to the L

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