

Finn sat at the table in the restaurant and played with his wine glass. His suit felt restrictive, like his tie was cutting off his breath and his jacket felt like it didn’t fit him properly even though it had been tailor-made for him. Peyton was late. Not late enough to worry about yet, but late enough for a niggle of apprehension to wiggle its way into his psyche. It was a sign. He had decided that tonight would be the night that he would come clean with her. Lay it all out on the table. Bare his heart and soul to her. But she was late and that definitely had to be a sign that he shouldn’t go through with it.

Carter would kill him if he did, anyway. There was just one more blog post in the series to write and Carter would advise him to wait until after the series was finished. But that felt wrong to Finn. The whole thing had felt wrong from the beginning and he wished that he had gone with his gut and refused the assignment.

Now it was too late for recriminations. He did w
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