

Morning with a busy schedule surrounded her, she walked inside and was greeted by her coworker. 

"Morning, Selena. Here's your coffee."

"Thank you so much, Eva. I needed this one."

"You're welcome! Anyway, the boss was looking for you. He wanted to discuss something about today's meeting."

"Okay! Thanks for notifying me." She took a file in her hand and walked to his cabin.


A knocking sound reached his ears as he allowed her to come in. Well prepared, along with a sweet, heartwarming smile on her lips, she greeted Shawn. 

"Good morning, boss. I need your signature on this file."

Impressed by her lovely smile, he grinned too. "It looks like you're back to normal life. You're smiling a lot."

"Of course, I thought a lot about your words last night. It made me realize that we should look forward to the future. Past is the past, and we can't change anything. Better live my present life."

"Hmm! Impressive." He moved his pen and signed the papers, and handed them to her. "Here you go."

She took out a cup of coffee and placed it on his desk. "And here's your coffee."

It didn't take him time to laugh. "Wow! You're focusing on work. Good!"

"I should leave then. I have to be prepared for today's meeting as well."


Walking towards the meeting hall, Chris and his assistant talked about a lot of stuff. Not too long, his assistant notified him about Shawn. 

"Boss, Mr. Vaughan is here."

As he was walking on the way, he met Shawn, who stood tall like a self-seeker, looking at him.

"Long time no see, Enemy."

"Hmm! I don't like talking with small people."

"Oho! As if Vaughan entertainment is doing well nowadays?"

That's it. 

He broke out the soft talk and screamed his lungs out.


"Lmao! It took you one second to come into the real state. I have known you since Childhood. Your mocking tone still didn't leave behind."

 "Huh! Whatever!" He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes when a gentle laughing tone reached their ears. They turned to look at Selena, who was too busy laughing at them. 

"Was it too funny?" Shawn asked in an irritated tone that made Selena seal up her lips. "Not at all!" She glanced to the ground when Chris approached her tenderly.

"Selena? Long time no see."

The voice was familiar to her ears. 

And of course, her lips curved into a boastful smile when her eyes again met with her idol one. 

"Chris, long time no see."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm all well-being. What about you? Any new movies coming by Celine?"

"Hahaha! Nopes, but I'll notify you."

"Sure. Shall I add your number?"

"Why not?"

The two were busy in their talks, totally ignoring Shawn's presence. Stepping ahead, she moved to scan his number when Shawn pulled her back. In his irritating tone, he grabbed her denim jacket from behind and scoffed. "She is my assistant, and so she's mine. Let's go, Selena. We're getting late for the meeting."


He kept a hold on her and dragged her along with him, far away from Chris. 

While he remained there, laughing at how jealous Shawn acted just now. He knew his personality well. He was known as the most jealous guy in the universe. 

"Shawn has not changed at all." Saying, he walked towards the same meeting room.


Shawn and Selena were sitting next to each other, with Chris on the chair in front of them.

The meeting had started. A member of Chris's company was telling them about the upcoming projects.

He scrolled it to the next slide, and everyone stared at the presentation.

"It's our newly collected data about what audience is interested to see in the upcoming movies or drama. The data said many are on CEO's stories that hold steamy storylines. Also, another one is youth dramas."

They all looked at it, but it failed to impress Chris. For him, it was nothing but just wholesome fun."

"It's N.O for me. Celine produces dramas that inspire the audience along with entertainment. Here I can see nothing inspiring."

Interrupted him in between, Selena put her point of view. "I think youth dramas are inspiring. We all made mistakes at a young time, had a great friendship, first love, etc. Watching those mistakes can inspire us to not repeat in the future."

As usual, her words never failed to impress him. "You're right! Alright, I'm ready to cooperate with youth dramas."

Shawn inside was proud of her. Though he didn't show, he was. 

Everything was going well until, in between the meeting, Selena felt an upside down in her stomach. 

It felt as if someone clenched her stomach, making her groan in pain. She kept a hand over it and tried to hold it as the meeting continued. But the ache was so hurtful that she couldn't keep herself silent anymore. 

Just then, Chris gazed at her, and by her expression, he immediately stopped the meeting. 

"Okay! We'll take a five minutes break and then continue."

Everyone agreed to him and started getting up. Selena couldn't sit silently. Thus she grabbed her purse and ran towards the washroom, leaving Shawn clueless. 

*Where is she going?*

Worried about her, Chris called his staff member and whispered in her ears.

"Lucy, help me with this."


Stuck in the washroom, Selena tried to find it, but it wasn't in her purse. At this time, she felt like cursing herself. 

*Selena, are you crazy? You know it's the time of your periods still you didn't keep pads in the purse.*

Selena was there helpless. She was worried about how she would continue the meeting? Or even got out of here?

Just then, someone knocked on the door and called her name. 

"Ms. Selena, the pads are in the plastic bag. I hung the bag on the handle. I'm leaving then."

As she heard of her steps moving, she opened the door slightly and grabbed the bag. 


Finally, she breathed in relief and came out from there. There, Lucy saw her and asked. "Ms. Selena, are you okay now?"

She passed her an assured smile. "All thanks to you. Or else I might never come out of there."

"If you want to thank anyone, it must be our boss. He told me about you and asked to bring you some pads."

"Your boss?"

"Mr. Chris Hendricks. Anyway, I have to leave for the meeting now. See you later, Ms. Selena."

The respect formed for Chris went to the seventh sky. She felt so touched by his gesture. A smile lightened up when Chris approached her. 

"Selena, are you alright? D-did Lucy give you that?"

"She did. Thanks, Chris. You saved me in this emergency."

As she thanked him, he smiled at her and took off his coat. Confused by his indication, Selena kept standing there and saw him coming close to her.

He twirled his coat behind her back and tied it on her waist. She remained there like a statue. Her whole body went through an unfamiliar sentiment.

The veins around her neck popped up due to his close presence. 

The smell came from him fussing her nose. She felt like whipped up for him.

The hands were over her chest. She slowly cracked her knuckles to release the tension running in her heart. 

It was her first time intimating with a guy after years of heartbreak given by Mark.

She was scared to open her heart for anyone. The experience from the past built up a wall against love and her. Even if she wanted anything, she couldn't dare to do it.

It would take time to overcome this, but how long? How long would she wait? 

Seeing them from afar, Shawn clenched his jaw. He felt insecure. As if some close moments with Chris could drag Selena away from him. However, why did such feelings enclose him? It was not like Selena was his lady. She was just his newly appointed assistant. Then why did such veins pop around his hands like he was in anger?

Both were smiling at each other when Shawn stormed there and glared at them. His gaze fell on the coat around her waist as he immediately took off his coat and replaced their coats.

"What are you doing?" Selena tried asking him when his red eyes shut her up. "I don't like others helping my assistant. I'm enough to help her."

He harshly handed him the coat and grabbed her hand when Chris smirked and stopped them. "Selena, the meeting is over. So, would you like to have dinner with us?"

"Is the meeting over?"

"Yeah, we thought of continuing some other day. So, are you in?"

She paused to answer him, but someone was bursting out of anger already. He didn't take much to tighten the grip and pulled her close.

His hand resting around her arm made Selena uneasy out of nowhere.

"Sorry, Mr. Hendricks. She has plans with me already." Saying, he dragged her away. 

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