
CHAPTER 23 - A forceful kiss

After some time, Selena and Chris returned together. It stunned everyone to see them together. Shawn didn't mind that much. 

He wanted to erase all his sorrow by wandering around the wine. He kept drinking until their dinner was over. 

After everyone left, Selena and Chris took him to his home. Just when he opened the door, Chris's phone rang, and he walked to a corner to continue his conversation.

Selena supported Shawn to stand up, but he drowned over her scent. He put his head in the crook of her neck and sniffed her scent. It was heaven for him. He kept on smiling while she struggled to handle him.

When Chris came back to her, he had a worried look on his face. Selena glanced at him and asked. "What's wrong, Chris?"

"Something comes up in my company. I have to leave."

"It's alright. I can take care of him."

"A-Are you sure?"

She didn't know how she would handle him, but she didn't want to disturb Chris for such a minor task. She smiled and shook her head. "I'm sure. You can go now."

"Thanks then, Selena."

He waved his hand at her and left them alone.


Selena made her way to his room and laid him down on the bed. She then went to the washroom while he remained there.

She took a napkin and wet it a little. Squeezing the napkin, she came out. 

As soon as she stepped outside, pairs of hands pushed her vigorously against the wall.

Her back knocked the wall, and it was painful. 

He trapped her in between his arms and stared deep into her eyes. 

"Selena, can you stop being with him? Don't you care about me? It hurts to see you with someone else."

She knew he was saying all this in a drunk condition. But she felt as if he openly expressed himself in front of her. She tried to utter a word, but he hushed her. 

"Don't! Let me say it out first, or else being sober, I may never let you know my feelings."

What was he going to say that made Selena's heart beat faster? She gulped hard. 

"Selena, I love you."

The next moment, her fear turned into reality. 

He confused her by playing double games. She felt like he caged her into his love game. She no longer wanted drama in her life. Thus, she tried to push him afar and replied. "You're drunk, Shawn. Stop talking nonsense-"

Before she could say anything further, Shawn kissed her with all his might. He wanted to have complete control over her, which made Selena feel disgusted from inside.

A tear escaped her eyes as she put all her strength in and pushed him to the bed and ran away.


While walking impatiently, Selena stopped at a bridge. She raised her chin and asked for inner peace. It was hard even to breathe. She felt suffocated by his actions as he reminded her of the past.


He tied her in between the wall and him and kissed her roughly. 

He bit her lips, made her bleed. He tightened the grip over her wrist, and she groaned in pain. 

He pulled her hair and attached their foreheads, then he whispered. "If I saw you with someone again, you'll see another me."

*Flashback ended*

Her past was the most painful for her, which always stopped her from taking any further steps. She didn't want to repeat the same scenario by taking her relationship with Shawn to the next level.

She rubbed her hands against her arms and watched the stars losing their brightness, the same way she was losing her happiness.


His morning was not particularly pleasant. He remembered nothing from yesterday. But at that moment, seeing Chris and Selena together still boiled his anger.

He got ready earlier and waited for Selena at the entrance. He wanted a reply to all his questions. She owed an apology to him.

He glanced at his wristwatch when she entered, and without even a glance, she ignored him and went straight inside.

After being ignored, his anger was in the seventh sky. 

He immediately went after her and grabbed one of her hands, and pulled her towards his cabin.

As soon as they came in, Selena shook his hand away and became stiff at one point. Her eyes were staring down until Shawn approached her.

He gritted his teeth and asked. "Don't you have anything to say about yesterday? How does it feel to be in my best friend's arms?"

Selena's ears were left standing after listening to his cheap talk. She stared at him with her wide eyes and replied. "How poor you are, Shawn? I'm ashamed to hear such words from you. How can you-"

She almost lost her voice in tears when he again threw another tacky question at her.

"Do you love Chris, right? So, you were playing around with me just to get close to my best friend-"


"IT HURTS TO ME AS WELL, SELENA. You're hurting me so badly. Where am I lacking that you choose him over me?"

She took a deep breath and lowered her voice. "Why do you even care about me or matters related to me? When you cleared all your thoughts about me that day, then why are you being loud now?"

Her teary eyes met his as she stepped forward and asked. "In your eyes, what is our relationship? Answer me. I want to know because you confused me enough."

He was unable to answer her even after knowing the answer. He hesitated and doubted himself even.

Just then, her colleague knocked on the door that diverted their attention.

The lady bowed at him and informed him. "Boss, Mr. Hendricks came to meet you. He's waiting for you in the cafeteria."

Selena wiped her tears and walked away while he remained there, silent.


On her way, she again bumped into Chris. He noticed her dried eyes and quickly got to the situation. 

"Happy Morning, Selena."

She lowered her head and whispered in an audible voice. "Morning, Chris."

He then took out a file and gave it to her. She opened the file and found another contract. 

She instantly shut the file. "I guess I already rejected your offer to join Celine."

"I'm not asking you to join Celine. My friend told me about a fashion contest. He is organizing a team of four designers to take part. 

I saw your designs online and recommended them to you. 

He sent a contract for you. Read it and answer me tomorrow."

Her troubles were clearly visible in her expression. Chris put his hand on her shoulder and comforted her. "It's a one in a million opportunity. Don't let it go, Selena. I know your dream, and I'm willing to support you."

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