
Mommy, Can we see daddy?

“Mommy, can we see daddy?”

Anna paused in her eating, her forkful of pasta halfway to her lips.

Andrew was the one that asked the question, but she saw the two eager eyes of her twins staring at her so innocently.

Anna was reminded of what happened only an hour or so ago, and tried not to feel put upon.

"We can talk about this later, okay?"

She tried to wave it off and finish dinner. The twins had already eaten under her watchful eyes.

Andrew pouted in defiance.

No,” he declared. "I want to see my daddy, mommy."

Baby… You have a new Dad now. He was just here a while ago, wasn’t he?

Andrew’s face screwed up in what looked like despair as he realized what his mother meant.

That man? No! He isn’t my daddy. I want my real daddy!

Andrew, stop.” Her voice was firm and weary. "It’s time to go to bed.”

She immediately lost her appetite and dropped her plate in the sink, unfinished.

"Mommy, he scares me. I don’t like that man,” Andrea tugged at Anna’s sweatpants and pressed herself against her
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