
Chapter 156

I close the door and lean against it with a heavy sigh. I look down at my stomach and press my hand against my baby bump. "Looks like it's just the two of us for a couple of days, baby girl." I sigh sullenly and smile when I feel her kick. I couldn't sleep the first night without Cole next to me. I missed him terribly, so I hugged his pillow and waited for him to call me. It was a nine-hour flight to Miami—he should have landed by now. It was past three in the morning in London. I jump when I hear my phone ring and answer it in a flurry. "Cole?"

"Hi baby." I sigh when I hear his voice. "I just got to the hotel. Please tell me you didn't stay up all night waiting."

"I couldn't sleep without you," I tell him, and I hear him sigh on the other end. "I got worried when you didn't call."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I wanted to call you as soon as I landed, but my phone signal is playing up over here." He explains, shuffling around. "You should get some sleep, honey."

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goodnovel comment avatar
Patricia Parrish
I am loving this book, my only problem is I have to read so may others, to get to read just a little. my other concern is it never starts where I leave off.

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