
Chapter 197

“Cole, for the love of God, man, slow down,” I hear Josh groan as he holds the punching bag while I put my fist through it furiously. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

I ignore him and continue to plough my fist into the bag as hard as I could. My arms were aching, and my lungs burned, but I didn’t stop. “She’s in a relationship with him,” I mutter sourly, even saying those words left a bad taste in my mouth. “She can’t be in a relationship with him!” I growl, driving my fist into the bag hard. I feel the skin on my knuckles split in the gloves, but it didn’t phase me.

Josh frowns, watching me, wincing every time I hit the bag, and it hit his chest, “Why can’t she be?”

I stop and glare at him, “Because she can’t!” I gripe irately, and Josh sighs with a roll of his eyes.

“Well, it seems she is, bro.” He states calmly. “What did you think was going to happen? You think she was going to wait around for you to get your head out of your arse forever?”


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