
he is gentle

"The storm is approaching, can't you see the weather or ain't you feeling under weather." Maximum says and walks closer to Olivia at where stands.

Olivia noticing his movement towards her, she quickly moves back trying to stay away from him.

"Stay still."

Olivia did not move anymore she stands still and watch as he takes off his coat and wave it in the air with force and walks briskly toward her and wears it over her shoulder and pats her shoulder and his hand remains on her shoulder.

'isn't that Maximum Weitheimers?'

"Why is he here at this time of the day?"

"I heard that he have issues with his manhood that I'd why he is single?"

"Who is that woman?"

"His girlfriend?"

How can people think and talk of people in a bad way every openly and to their own faces and saying it to their hearing maybe that is why the lives of celebrities is hard. These word are distinguishing and mostly false. Olivia now remembers why her mother use to remain unknown to the world till her death.
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