
Chapter 6

Savannah gracefully walked down the stairs wearing a red spaghetti-strap floral fitted maxi dress paired with white satin kitten-heel pumps. She likes to dress up, even without any occasion, even if she's just at home. For her, dressing stylishly creates a fierce and intimidating vibe. Especially now, her visitor is no ordinary person.

"I heard what happened, Sav! Are you alright?"

She could barely stop herself from rolling her eyes when she heard the words of her Uncle Marlon's wife, Mathilda. As usual, she was dressed in an extravagant outfit and adorned with jewelry. She arrived early at her Grandpa Salvattier's mansion upon hearing the news about the incident at the company. She's fast to heard it. But why am I surprised? she has eyes and ears in the company. My company.

"Good morning, Aunt Mathilda," she greeted the woman without a smile. Mathilda approached and kissed her on the cheek, even holding onto her elbows, while Savannah's hands remained at her sides.

"You are early. The household staff hasn't prepared any food," she added as the woman stepped back. Mathilda's face still displayed a fake concern for her. But Savannah wasn't fooled; she knew exactly why Mathilda was showing concern now.

And she wouldn't be convinced by her act. She knows her well.

"Oh, dear. It's okay. I even brought breakfast! I already gave it to one of the maids," Mathilda said, glancing at a household staff member nearby. Savannah followed her gaze.

The maid in question was Helen, a forty-five-year-old who had worked at her grandfather's mansion for ten years. She was looking down, her hands clasped together and trembling with fear.

"They already prepared our breakfast in the garden! I invited Papa, but it seems he's still sleeping. I had one of the maids call him, but there's no response."

Hearing that made Savannah anxious. Her grandfather was a morning person, always up early. How come he was still asleep now? Automatically, she glanced at the clock to her left.

(8:30 am.)

It's late! Usually he woke up at 5:00-6:00 am! 

Savannah felt nervous. She had become paranoid since returning and living with her grandfather, constantly checking on him even when he was just resting at the mansion.

"You go ahead to the garden, Aunt Mathilda. I forgot something in my room, I'll just get it," she said, but the truth was she was going to check on her grandfather.

"Huh? I'll wait for you—"

"No, please, go ahead," Savannah insisted, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'll join you shortly."

"No, you go ahead. I'll be quick," Savannah insisted. Then she turned to Helen, who was just waiting for a command, "Helen, please accompany Aunt Mathilda."

"S-Sure, Ma'am."

As Savannah turned and headed to the second floor, her Aunt Mathilda had no choice but to follow Helen. Savannah took large strides toward her grandfather's room. She almost tripped when she reached the second floor, but that didn't stop her even for a second. When she reached her grandfather's door, she didn't bother knocking and immediately turned the doorknob.


As soon as she entered, she was greeted by a loud noise. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw her grandfather lying on the bed, playing on his phone.

"Oh, my dear. What are you doing here?" he asked, not even looking at her because his eyes were focused on his game.

(So, that's the reason why he hasn't come down yet?! I thought something bad happened!)

Because her grandfather usually woke up early, she was worried! Unless! he's just playing! Savannah couldn't help but sigh and shake her head. But in her mind, she was thankful that her Grandpa Salvattier was fine.

"I know that look, my dear. I am fine. We're inside the mansion, and my room has CCTVs. If something bad happened to me, even if it's a heart attack, my people would know. They're monitoring us," he replied, getting up from the bed. He also placed his cellphone on the side table.

"I was just worried, Grandpa. Aunt Mathilda said she had a maid call you, but you didn't respond. I'm sorry. I overreacted."

The old Williamson nodded and patted her shoulder.

"Well, you see, I was busy playing a game, and in moments like that, I can't be easily disturbed. Besides, it's just your Aunt Mathilda. She's not that important."

That's when he grinned. Savannah let out a deep breath. Her grandfather could be stubborn, but he was right; when it came to his games, he was hard to interrupt. But she's happy because he found something enjoyable.

"I'll go down now, Grandpa. I just checked on you because I was worried. I'll go to Aunt Mathilda in the garden; she's waiting, and we'll have breakfast together. How about you?" she asked.

Her grandfather shrugged and shook his head. There was a serious expression on his face as he looked at her. He will never forget what Mathilda and Marlon did to her when she became the CEO. They tried to ruin her in front of the board members.

"It's too early to ruin my mood. You know my mood will be ruined if I hear or see your Aunt Mathilda. I thought I made it clear to them that I don't want to see her and Marlon in my house after what they did to you."

She didn't immediately respond. Her grandfather was referring to what happened at the company, how her Uncle Marlon and Aunt Mathilda still tried to prevent her from becoming CEO. (But, they didn't succeed.)

"I'm just being accommodating, Grandpa. And... I will be careful," she replied.

Salvattier nodded at her. When Savannah said her goodbyes again, her grandfather also said he would come down and greet Mathilda. She smiled because she knew her grandfather would only do that for her. He's sweet but only to her!

"Don't play too much game, Grandpa, your eyes willl hurt," she said before turning away and her grandfather just laughed.

Her grandfather entered the bathroom while she walked to leave his room. But Savannah was surprised when she opened the door of his room and was greeted by the face of her bodyguard.

"Good morning, Ma'am."

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