
Chapter 58

Reed Parker ~

Reed was on the highway driving towards Burkley, He took some days leave from work so he could help Chrissy. Whatever Rosa wanted from him was only from him and it didn’t involve Chrissy.

He wasn’t sure on how he would handle Rosa but one thing was sure, She was definitely getting arrested after this stunt that she pulled. Reed approached Burkley and took a deep breath. He had to rescue Chrissy today and not a minute longer.

He picked his phone and dialed Chrissy’s number, hoping that Rosa would pick the call and she did "Reed baby, Are you in Burkley now?" She asked with a sweet voice on the phone and Reed shuddered internally. “Where are you?" He asked bluntly and heard a sharp inhale "Are you really that eager to see me? Aren’t you just getting to Burkley?” She asked and he

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