
Chapter 45 – To Continue or Not

(Leigh’s POV)

My lips curved a smile when I saw Alex sleeping sideways, facing me. His hand was on the small space between us as if wanting to reach me. I know he is not perfect, but how can an imperfect man look perfect and real to me.

Cupid loves to play jokes on me, hitting me with his arrows when I see a gorgeous man, and when he starts making his moves at me, my heart gives in right away. I bet Cupid was with me at Mei’s wedding with a mission of making her fall in love with him on the day of their wedding, but instead, the arrow accidentally hit me.

My hand reaches his face, trailing my index finger on his close eyelids, his pointed and beautiful nose, down to his soft full lips. My lips parted, remembering how I became obsessed with his kisses, drowning me every time his lips touched mine. Only Alex could make me forget, turns on every part of me, and

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