
Chapter 150

Hayden was in no rush, his lips pressed together thinly as he waited patiently for her to continue.

Samantha hesitated for a moment, then began to speak slowly, "Well, the story goes like this..."

During the time when Hayden was unconscious, it was Wyneth who took care of him personally. Despite her young age, she was extraordinarily meticulous. When it came to Hayden's condition, she thought of everything that everyone else overlooked. Not only that, but she also gave her personal protective charm to Hayden, saying it would keep him safe. When Benedict and Gwendolyn learned about this, they praised Wyneth, saying that Hayden was fortunate and would surely wake up soon. But Matilda was extremely displeased when she found out about the charm.

"What's this nonsense? If these superstitious things worked, then why hasn't my son shown any signs of waking up despite her being a part of our family for so long? All she does is play these silly games with Father and Mother, and they're too o
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