


"Drop me here sir" I lightly tap the car seat. The car came to a halt in front of the supermarket. The nearest one I wanted going is closed. I had to go another miles. I wonder why they'd close when the evening is still young. Well, Damon should know what he's getting himself into.

"Let's go spend some cash hazel!" I cheered suantering to the entrance door. I started with the important things that are much needed. I bought ramen too. I've forgotten when last I tasted them. I know we're staying for only a day. But seeing how scanty the refrigerator is, it needed foodstuffs to revive it to life. I paid with Damon's card. I'm sure he wouldn't mind a small portion from his money getting spent away. He has more than that.

Getting back home went extra hard. The car got a flat tyre and that in the middle of the road when we're nowhere to my destination. "How long will it take to fix the car?" I asked hitting my lips in nervousness. The hunger in me couldn't be explained. I spared my phone a glance. No calls or any messages.

"What do you expect Hazel" I muttered. I shouldn't expect anything. I came out on my own will. If anything is to happen to me, I should deal with it myself. Damon is that selfish and only care about himself.

"It will take time Miss"

Well, I got to hail another so as to arrive on time before I faint from hunger. And that was what I did. The taxi driver dropped me few miles away from Damon's lodge. I had to fight my way with the stuffs almost tripping along the way. I turned the entrance doorknob finding it locked. "What the hell!" He's on with his antics on locking doors. Just like he did at the office.

I pressed on the door bell and awaits him to open the door. When he did, I was attacked by his glared. Nevertheless, I went ahead to make my way inside only to get blocked by him. With a furrowed brows I asked him. "What?"

"Where are you taking these?"

"Where else. Inside" He stepped back and I entered. He didn't even care to help. I dumped them on the dining table turning to him.

His hands were folded across his chest as a questioning look was plastered on his face. "Your refrigerator is practically empty. And-"

"Was that your plan all along?" He said cutting me off.

"I don't understand" I asked back.

"Ofcourse I exepceter that. That how you all are. Pretentious" If I say I understand what he's going on about, I would be lying. He always talks in riddles. I sunk in a deep breath.

"Can you explain to me what you mean by what you said?" I said resting my hand on my waist.

"Whose card did you use in buying all these stuffs?" He gestured towards the nylon bags that were innocently sitting on the table.

"Yours of course" I answered almost immediately. A surprised chuckle escaped me when his words finally sink in my head. "Wait... Are you trying to say I'm a gold digger?" The look on his face was enough to answer my question.

"I'm glad you're quick witted" Something burned in me. I felt heat inside my body.

"You called me a gold digger? Just because I was trying to help?" I turned on my heels and rush to the room. Grabbed my purse and took out all the cash I have inside.

When I descend down, he was seated legs plopped on the center table. "Here. For the stuffs I bought. This is to show you I'm not a gold digger. And I wouldn't want anybody labeling me as one. Most especially you"

"What difference will it make Miss Dalen. It won't change the way I think of you" He uttered his lips curving up.

"Yes it will. It will make me feel better. You're not the only rich man in the county. Just because I spent a few bucks from your fortune shouldn't give you the opportunity to call me with some sort of names. After all I didn't buy anything personal for myself"

"Here" I pushed front the dollars. I don't even know how much it was. I just want to pay him. To calm how hot my chest was at the moment.

He sat up plopping his hands inside his pocket. "What will I do with your money. It won't add up to anything in my account. Keep it. It will be of help to you" Somehow his words added more fuel to fire. It sends my heart into a flames of anger. The urge to punch something grew in me. I don't mind if that something is him.

"You know what Mr. Damon,  I don't know much about you. But I'd like to tell you one thing. You're an arrogant, selfish and full of pride. You think you're better than everyone. You think you're the richest man on earth. You and your selfish ego can go to hell for I care" With that I sprayed the dollars and turned on my heels.

"How dare you!" I heard his pissed off voice yet I was already half way through the stairs. The hunger I once felt inside was long forgotten. It was replaced with anger. I shut the door with a loud thud letting out a shout.

"Go to hell Mr. Damon!" I exclaimed trying to catch my breath. I was burning inside. The rage in me kept growing up whenever I remembered his words.

A knock from the door jolted me back. "Open this damn door Miss Dalen! How dare you!"

"I won't. If you have the nerves break down the door" I spat equally.

"You will regret the day you come face to face with me. I promise you" He yelled again.

"I don't care. Go to hell Mr. Damon" The banging stopped after a while and a hiss made its way out of my lips.


My arms were folded across my chest and we sat in front of the soon to be investors. We were supposed to come up with a concrete sketch out for the deal we want to make yet, nothing was displayed. Something we were supposed to make all night yet it ended in fight. He was supposed to make the necessary things yet he did nothing. He expected me to do the work. He owns the company and not me. No words were exchanged between us all through the morning up to our way to meet the investors that were looking at us eye to eye.

“Mr. Damon. We've been sitting here for over a minute. We’re waiting for you to display what you came up with” One of them said. I wanted to roll my eyes. Because I know they won't get anything. From the little time I came to know him, he doesn't look like someone who will do much work.

“Mr. Bradford, working with me doesn't require any sketch out plan. We don't give what we don't have. I don't want to stay here and chit chat on matters that are nothing. So...” He trailed off leaning forward. I was surprised at his actions. What is he trying to do?

“Mr. Damon, y-”

“Allow me to talk Miss Dalen” He cut me off immediately.

“Mr. Bradford, we have a flight to catch. Let's get this over me. If you want your company to keep getting the benefits and recognition. The ball is in your court”

I was left speechless. “Mr. Damon, you sure know how to push the buttons. You're right. Even though we've not seen any sketched plan, we see results. So let's sign off the deal” Damon’s lips curved into a smirk. For a while my gaze lingers on him.

Did he have the plan all along and let us suffer staying an extra one day. Making me to repeat the same outfit. I know they will look at me weirdly. Without a waste of time they signed off the deal.

“Thank you Mr. Damon for this great opportunity. I must say you're no difference from your father in terms of business strategy. Do accept my warmest gratitude”

“It was a great pleasure. I hope we'll continue to be on good terms in the future” He uttered shaking the man’s hand.

“Definetely. Do have a safe trip back home. Thank you Miss..”

“Hazel” I answered shaking his outstretched hands.

The rest of their talks was done outside. We got into our own car. Point of correction, Damon's car. “To the airport” Damon uttered fishing out his phone.

Well it will be better if we act like strangers. It will prevent any argument between us. Because I can't tolerate his arrogance. And also I can't forget all the names he labeled me with last night. They were striking to heart. “We have a meeting as soon as we arrived” He said coldly.

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