
i was expecting our destination

I was expecting our destination to be a nasty, old rundown shack sandwiched in between crack houses. And I was expecting Derek’s bandmate to be a drugged-out, long-haired scuz that we would wake up when we got there.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

As I drove my beat-up Toyota, Derek directed me out to the suburbs. That is, when he wasn’t chatting with a newly friendly Shanna.

We finally turned into a very pretty, upper-middle-class neighborhood with manicured lawns and kids playing out in the street.

We pulled up in front of a brick McMansion with a long driveway that ended on the side of the house.

“Whoa, your bassist lives here?” Shanna asked.

“Yeah. Nice, huh?” Derek agreed.

There was a new Honda sitting in front of a basketball hoop. I started to park beside it when Derek stopped me.

“Park behind it – his parents aren’t home from work yet, and we don’t want to get blocked in.”

His parents aren’t home from work yet?

“He lives with his parents?” Shanna asked, once again voicing
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