
we lay in bed

We lay in bed, him holding my body against his, and just talked for a long time afterwards.

A good portion of it was Derek busting my chops.

“See? Was that so difficult?” he teased.


“Sleeping with me.”

I rolled my eyes, though he couldn’t see. “Whatever. If you hadn’t been such an asshole last night – ”

“Me?! How was I an asshole?”

“What, you don’t remember the 200 pairs of boobs you signed?”

“Oh… that.”

“‘Oh, THAT,’” I mimicked, and twisted his nipple.

“Aaaaah!” he laughed, and started tickling me in retaliation, which led to roughhousing, which led to more kissing.

After a minute, though, he pulled away and smiled. “It was just to make you jealous.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet.”

“Seems like it worked.”

I wasn’t about to tell him that, yeah, it worked, all right.

“Didn’t work so great, or we could have been doing this last night.”

“Hey, I tried the straightforward approach – ”

“Can we not talk about this?”

Derek grinned. “What was it that changed your mind?”

He was a little too pleased w
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