
60: Almost cried

Dylan couldn't said anything to his mother again and he watch his mother got into her car, while the car finally drove out from his garage.

With the fact that Dylan has already perceive Frederick masculine scent on Rosie, he went back into the mansion to confronted Rosie as soon as his mother left.

"Rosie!" Dylan's voice was so loud as he walked into the living room.

Florence shuddered in fret as Rosie had gone into her bedroom.

"Where is she?" Dylan asked Florence, and Florence shuddered again and replied - "She has gone.. into her bedroom.. sir."

"Hmm" Dylan made his way towards Rosie's room door. Approaching the door, he pushed it opened and stormed into the room.

Rosie immediately ended her phone call with Frederick, as she was speaking to Frederick Joseph on phone about their love night. She quickly turned to face Dylan.

"Babe, Has your mother left the house?" Rosie pretended and asked Dylan, as he walked into her bedroom.

"Rosie.. Tell me the truth now? What's going on between y
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goodnovel comment avatar
Sandra Smelcer
She lied to her children about their daddy and he should have gotten to see his children. Very selfish of her keeping them away from their daddy
goodnovel comment avatar
Linda Parizeau
You don't learn to love someone, you love that's it. You are using Stephen you awful idiot. He deserves better than a fool like you Jessica. And a lying fool too.

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