
Chapter Fifty three

Julie was escorted by Elijah to their dinner venue located at the top of the gigantic wall. As she emerged from the stairs, Julie was surprised at the sight that welcomed her.

She halted before she could even reach the last step and took a sweeping look around. The empty watchtower where they stood yesterday now looked very different. There was now set up, a table and a couple of comfortable looking chairs in the middle of the area. Lamps circled the top of the watchtower's wall and an intricately regal candelabra was in the middle. The table was already set with fine china and laden with sumptuous food that made her mouth water slightly just by glancing at them once over.

Juliet could hardly believe her eyes at the romantic setup. Her eyes then fell to the man who was sprawled in one of the armchairs there, gazing upwards at the dark space as if he were seeing something else others could not see. He had the air of relaxed confidence of the King of darkness as he sat on his throne.

She could not tear her gaze from him and for some reason, she did not want to move just yet, wanting to watch him a little bit more. But he then turned his head towards her and smiled. Julie caught her breath at that breathtaking smile seemingly thrown carelessly at her.

Without a word, Alex stood and pulled the other chair out for her, a silent but obvious invitation for her to be seated.

"It's… so beautiful here…" she remarked, looking around again. Her eyes glimmering in appreciation.

"I'm glad you liked it."

Before Julie could reach out to serve herself, Alex silently transferred a delicious and juicy looking steak onto her empty plate. The sight of the steak reminded her of the first time they ate together. She looked at him and her face flushed dark pink while her heartbeat hastened.

So many things had already happened between them since then even though it has not been that long yet. She remembered how tense and fearful she was back then. Now here she was, feeling such peace, security, and happiness just by having him right before her, sharing a meal with her again.

"Julie…" she heard him called her and Julie realized she had been spacing out while staring at him. "Here," he added, and she saw a piece of steak near her mouth.

Blushing, Julie opened her mouth and accepted the proffered steak. Alex smiled.

She hastily moved her hands to feed herself. She wanted him to eat too and not just feed her. As they ate, Alex occasionally gave her choice titbits of food and Julie did not once hesitate to eat them, much to Alex's immense pleasure. He reflected and thought to himself how wonderful and different her reactions to him now compared to previously when they were still at his castle, when she was newly brought over as his newly wedded wife. Every one of his movements then only elicited fear and had her flinching away from him – causing him never-ending displeasure.

Alex now definitely looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself when Julie suddenly lifted her hand towards him, causing him to pause and stare at the grape held elegantly in her fingers.

He looked at Julie and she gazed back at him. Her innocent eyes glimmering against the candlelight.

Alex's throat worked but a moment later, his mouth opened. His lips brushed against the tip of her fingers as he took the grape. A wicked smile gleamed in his eyes as he looked at her.

He rested his head on his palm, not taking his gaze from her. "I want more, Julie." he said, smiling mischievously.

Julie blinked but then she picked another grape and fed him. Alex leaned back, looking damned pleased and happy, still not knowing that Julie was trying her best to focus on her food because the sight of his wet lips had made her thoughts go wild at the memory of his kisses.

By the time they were finishing dinner, Julie was about to stand from her seat when Alex suddenly leaned over her. A grape was held lightly between his teeth.

And before she knew it, his lips were against hers, the grape between them. When Julie opened her mouth, he pushed the grape inside then pulled away smiling devilishly.

"You haven't eaten enough grapes yet, wife." he teased, and Julie could only blush even harder as she chewed on the delicious and juicy seedless grape.

Once the couple left the watchtower, Alex brought Julie outside the gigantic wall. Soldiers were everywhere.

Some were just standing on guard at their posts, and some seemed to be training.

Alex's hand was entwined in Julie's as they walked. The soldiers bowed respectfully at them and made way for them to pass as soon as they saw the couple.

Julie stopped when she saw an intense fight going on. She recognized Levy and Joshua among them, and they were fighting against the Dacrian soldiers.

Was it a fight, or was it training? Their match was so intense that Julie could not take her eyes off them. She was awed and fascinated with their speed and whatever movements she could catch. Her eyes could not fully follow most of their moves. The most incredible thing was that Levy and Joshua did not seem to be giving their 100% at all, despite the number of strong soldiers that were constantly thrown against them. She had never seen anything like this before.

As her full attention was fixed on the fighting Aliens, Julie did not realize how Alex's expression changed at the sight of her being completely absorbed by the fight. He did not like the look of fascination in her eyes as she looked at his men.

All of a sudden, Julie felt the heat she was holding onto suddenly absent. But before she could drag her gaze away from the fighting scene, she was shocked to see Alex already striding into the middle of the intense fight.

Her lips parted in confusion. Wh-what was he doing there?

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