
Chapter Thirty Six

The other side of the bed was empty and cold when Julie woke up. She couldn't help but wonder if what happened last night… no last morning was all just a dream. Did he even get any sleep at all? He should have as he was asleep before her. Did he wake up after sleeping for just a couple of hours?

Julie shook her head and hastily climbed off the bed as the memories of their kiss began to invade her mind again. Elijah had knocked on her door after Julie was done with her private matters and he escorted her out of her room.

It was sunset and her meal was prepared at the castle's terrace. The snow had stopped falling but everything was still covered in white, and the venue of her meal was unexpectedly quite regal. She was going to eat on a beautiful terrace overlooking the city accompanied by the lovely sunset.

She still could not get used to the fact that in this place, their breakfast was not after sunrise but at sunset. Elijah had pleaded to her yesterday to follow the Aliens' sleep routine, giving her the reason that the castle was filled with Aliens and that it was not good for a lady wondering around in the middle of the day which was the equivalent of midnight for the Aliens. Julie understood. And she remembered how her husband told her she was the only human in this entire castle, and she could be a great temptation for everyone in this place. So, she could only obey. There was no reason for her not to when she knew it was all for her sake.

"His Highness cannot join you for breakfast today because he's currently held up by some official matters, but he might be able to join you for dinner later." Elijah said politely and a little carefully, observing her reaction.

Julie swept her gaze across the beautiful view. It seemed Elijah brought her meal here because he did not want her to eat all alone at that long table in the large and lonely dining room.

"I understand that he cannot join me." She smiled at him. "This spot is really beautiful. Thank you for choosing this spot."

"I am glad you liked it Your Highness." He smiled back and Julie ate her meal silently, occasionally watching the view as she enjoyed the food.

"Do you have anything you wanted to do tonight, milady?" Elijah asked after her meal. "Please don't hesitate to tell me if you have something in mind."

Julie shifted her gaze to the setting sun which was now about to sink below the horizon. "I think I'd like to continue the tour that we didn't finish yesterday." Was all she replied, and the butler nodded.

After she was done with her meal, they went on to continue their tour and as expected, every nook and cranny of the castle screamed of nothing but fineness and grandeur. The only difference between this castle and Alex's was that this one looked a little more ancient and had more gothic feel to it, making the place definitely suited for vampires.

"Uhm… is it just me or did everyone desert the castle because I'm here?" Julie asked as they walked along a corridor. She had already noticed when they toured around this morning. She could feel their presence, but she had yet to see anyone around except for Elijah and she could not help but wonder if the aliens were avoiding her like she was the plague.

Elijah immediately shook his head. "No, no, Your Highness." He even waved his hand in almost a frantic way. "Everyone is actually here. They… they're just hiding behind the pillars and everywhere…"

"Why?" she inclined her head innocently but then, a thought came to her and she nodded. "Ah, I see. It must be hard for them. I think I should really stay in my room –"

"No, My Lady." Elijah broke off. He was shocked at his own rudeness, but he just could not seem to take what she was saying anymore. "Please don't think that they're avoiding you because they don't want you around. They are actually peeking at you surreptitiously just to take a look. Most of the Aliens here – especially the servants – have never seen a human in their entire long lives. They are just afraid they would scare you and that's why they end up hiding the moment they sense out your presence. Please look…" Elijah turned, and his voice echoed. "Stop hiding everyone. Come out!"

A number of Aliens suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and they all were looking at Julie – not with disgust but with eyes filled with something like fascination.

"See? They just don't want to overwhelm you, Milady, since everyone knows you're the only human here." Julie noticed some of the aliens nod their heads at Elijah's statement.

Julie did not know what to feel. She could see and sense that they really didn't seem to be looking at her like she was some kind of exotic food, or as one that is of an inferior race, or she was a dangerous plague that didn't belong in their world. Once again, her expectations were proven wrong. And she remembered Alex's words that she was safe in this place.

She was suddenly emotional and slightly ashamed, but she pushed it to the back of her mind at the moment and didn't allow anything to show on her face. The little devil at her shoulder whispered that they might be only treating her like this just for now – when she is still a novelty to them. Still, her heart swelled with relief and she smiled, her eyes saying 'hello', and everyone looked surprised and then bowed slightly at her.

Their reaction made Julie feel even more overwhelmed. Gladness filled her heart.

Once they arrived at the highest terrace, the night was already deep. She had worn her fluffy coat with the hood as she stepped out of the intricately designed terrace.

Her gaze swept to the city that was now lively and awake. She noticed she was getting more and more used to seeing a place that was lively at night.

"You told me before that this place is His Highness' safe haven, so I am assuming that he had lived here before, right?" she asked, her eyes still roaming around and enjoying the view of the lively night city.

"Yes, milady."

"Could it be that he grew up here?"

"Uhm… no, Milady. His Highness grew up in the capital when his mother was still alive."

Julie turned to Elijah, noticing the change in his voice when he mentioned about the prince growing up in the capital and not here in Dacria.

"Did… the royal family hate His Highness ever since he was young?" she asked hesitantly.

Elijah regarded her with a thoughtful look but after seeing the curiosity burning in her eyes, the butler sighed and looked down at the city as well. "His Highness didn't have a normal childhood because he grew up hidden in a dungeon." He said and Julie's eyes widened as her heart shuddered at that information.

A deep frown immediately etched on her face as she looked at him, pleading him silently to tell her more about Alex's childhood.

Seeing the concern and interest in Julie's eyes, Elijah seemed to have made another decision. He had once asked Alex if it were fine for him to answer her questions about him, if ever she would ask, and Elijah was surprised when Alex told him it was fine.

He hadn't had the chance to ask again which of the things about him he was allowed to reveal to her since he also thought that the lady would never ask.

"Why?" she asked in disbelief. "Did the emperor throw him in the dungeon because he found out Alex's a real royalty?"

"No, Milady. His Highness' mother hid him there to prevent the emperor from finding out the truth about his existence."

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