
Horrible Pain


I’d never been more scared in my life. I’d woken up there in Jesse’s bed to the most intense pain that I had ever felt, and when I realized where the pain was coming from, I felt absolutely paralyzed with fear. I waited for it to pass, wondering if it was just a cramp caused by something to do with the pregnancy and the sex earlier that night. The pain wouldn’t go away, though. If anything, it intensified, until I could barely breathe with the amount of hurt radiating from my uterus.

I was scared to wake Jesse up and ask him to take me to the hospital, but I knew that I didn’t have a choice. There was no way that I could take his truck and drive myself there, not least of which because I only vaguely remembered how to drive a stick-shift. I supposed I could call an ambulance, but I knew that would be expensive. Anyway, I wanted Jesse to be there.

Even though I knew that when he found out just what was going on, he was probably going to hate me.

He flew into crisis mode when I t
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