
Chapter 915 I'm Off!

These people's influence had spread throughout Styre University. She could meet them even on her way to the cafeteria, which was a terrifying situation.

After shaking off the person, Catherine continued toward the cafeteria. Once there, she quietly sat down to eat. She knew she was being watched, but she acted freely, not feeling like someone under surveillance. After finishing her lunch, she left the cafeteria.

Back at the laboratory, Catherine messaged Cloude. [Let's meet up!]

Soon, Cloude replied, [Sure, you pick the time and place!]

Seeing the message, Catherine was a bit surprised that he would make her pick the time and place Was it because he was generous, or he wasn't worried she might set a trap?

Looking at the text on her phone screen, Catherine absentmindedly tapped her desk. After a moment, she had an idea. She replied, arranging to meet at a cybercafe at 7 p.m.

Once she dealt with everything, Catherine tossed her phone into a drawer and began a new round of work.

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