
Chapter 265 Don't Make Everything So Serious

At that moment, everyone but her had raised their wine glasses and drained them. Scarlett's brows were furrowed as she surveyed the treacherous liquid in her own glass, last night's incident replaying in her mind again and again. She had vowed to never drink again, for the consequences were simply not worth that momentary bliss that came forth with alcohol. What if she got drunk here again? She didn't want to humiliate herself in front of three strangers she barely knew—not if she could help it.

The sight of alcohol itself made her nauseous, especially when Jonathan was sitting across from her, forcing her to relive those painful memories. She used them to prevent herself from downing the wine no matter how much she wanted to, and Samuel instantly picked up her discomfort. "Ms. Langston," he began in a concerned tone. "What's wrong? You don't look too good. Are you not able to drink alcohol?"

His reassuring words calmed her slightly. She couldn't help but wonder why Jonathan couldn't b
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