
Chapter 51


As a couple we were doing great so far. Connor had at least tried to be supportive and if we were going to be serious about this, the first step to take was meeting his family.

Even though he viewed me meeting his family as some sort of way courting me, I still appreciated the sentiment. He wanted us to be together for real. Forever and no matter how patient I wanted us to be the truth still lurked and the truth was we loved each other and deserved to be happy.

I smiled nervousness eating at my palms as Connor’s aunt walked with me to the kitchen.

“I’m glad you settled things. It’s my first time seeing him happy since he lost his mother”

I didn’t want to poke my nose into the whole Sussanne issue. Connor was still sour about it and if anything, he hadn’t exactly told his family about the whole Mafioso thing or his other side hustling drug trafficking gig.

Victoria Powers must have noted this because she placed her ladle on the kitchen counter eyeing me with curiosity. Fifty or m
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