
chapter 45

Chapter 45

Alpha Raymond pov

I was at sleep when I head a banged on my door which made me and my mate jumped of from the bed, I was ready to attack anyone who came to disrupt my sleep until I hear the person banging saying that Alpha Arturo is digging ridges towards our pack and he find our that one of water pipe has been highly contaminated.

I put on my time timing it at the right side of my body before I quickly opened the door. Luckily it was one of my guards. Then I asked him how he found out and he told me that Alpha Arturo is still digging for water until his pack has enough of it.

I asked him to take me where he was, let me see things for myself. Though my mate tried as much as possible to stop saying it was dangerous, I told her it is now or never. I need to see the poisonous things they find in the pipe connected to our various homes.

I was about to leave with the robe on my body when I decided against it because a fight may break out on the way and I would be able to fight d
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