
chapter 62

Chapter 62

Tanya POV

I had no choice but to challenge Luna Claudia since she was not ready to say a word about what Luna Olivia said concerning Claudia being my mother.

I needed an explanation, I needed someone that would explain to me and tell me that everything would be alright but none of them was saying or doing anything about it.

Other mothers who find their children would rush to their child hugging them or trying to explain herself to the lost child but in my case everyone was trying to avoid the topic including my birth mother.

Ella and Eva hugged me asking me to calm myself down and not blame myself very much but I need to be patient with my birth mother because I did not know what they must have told her.

I looked at Ella who nodded in agreement with Eva's words then I asked Helen that was when she rushed in picking up her hand fan of a weapon saying it was time for me to save my mother.

"My mother, the two mothers are Luna, they can save themselves from any danger," I said,
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