

Hi. I had a crappy day. Everything went wrong. I locked myself out of the house, thankfully my sister lives nearby. I forgot everything today and was so clumsy. So instead of writing for the stories that I am actually under contract for, I decided to do something else.

I have this idea for a new story and there's no pressure to be good, since it's just for fun at this point. So I decided to write the first chapter of a new story, hoping it would get me out of the bad mood I was in.

And I thought maybe you would to read it. It's free of course. :) 

I even made some pictures, if you'd like to see what they look like. Yes, I know, bad use of my time, but honestly I am in a much better use now, so I see it as a win. ;) I will try to write for Alpha Brax later.

Let me know what you think. :) I was thinking to call it:  Mommy Is Mated to the Alpha King.

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Ripley’s pov

Coming home used to feel cozy and warm, like an autumn day where you’d crawl under a blanket in front of the fireplace. But now it felt more like I had stepped into a freezer. There was no love coming from my parents, only looks of disappointment and anger.


"Mom, you can’t be serious. Please, don’t do this." I begged my mother.

My stepfather stood next to her, looking disgusted, as if I were the filth underneath his shoe. The man who had accepted me as his child and who had treated me almost the same as my half siblings now showed his true colors. Had he ever loved me?

"You made your bed; now lie in it. But not here, Ripley. You can't stay here." Mom said, tears streaming down her face.

Finally, some emotions. Could one mistake really make them hate me this much? Seeing my mom cry made me have hope. Maybe she could forgive me?

Mom went up the stairs, rummaging through my room, while the man I had called dad stood in front of me, staring daggers at me.

"We gave you everything you could have asked for and only asked for a few things in return."

All my parents had ever wanted for me was to be successful in life and school, and this wasn’t what they had planned.

"I can still graduate and get a job; I can do everything, just with a baby." I explained, hoping they could see that nothing had changed. But who was I kidding? Everything had changed.

Mom came down, holding a bag, and dropped it in front of my feet. "I thought we raised you better."

"It was only one time, mom." I tried to explain while my heart was breaking. This wasn’t a conscious decision, but even though I had thought about getting an abortion, I just couldn't do it.

"I don’t want to hear it," Dad said, wrapping his arm around my mother’s shoulder. "Go."

And I did. I left and never looked back. Okay, that wasn’t true. I had checked their social media countless times, tried to call them, but stopped myself, and wrote many letters that I never sent.

My little sister Julia would talk to me at school and had offered to talk to my parents for me, but I knew it would only cause her problems. 

So I did the only thing I could. I moved in with Oliver and his parents. His parents were okay; they mostly let me and Oliver alone.

Oliver and I had been friends for years; we had bonded as kids over our love for videogames. In all honesty, he was a big geek, and I loved him for it. But we weren’t in love. We drank too much one night, and seeing as we were both virgins, we thought we’d be each other’s first. Just so that we did it with someone we trusted. With Oliver, I could make mistakes and be silly without getting embarrassed. And god, we were silly.

We giggled while putting on the condom, and we both had no idea what we were doing. Our first and only time hurt a little, but after a while, I understood why people had sex. It was pleasant, and Oliver was so generous and gentle.

Afterwards, Oliver tried to remove the condom, only to realize it got stuck inside of me. I got the morning after pill and did everything right, but I still got pregnant.

Oliver used to joke that his sperm was so good that he could get me pregnant after only one time, even while using a condom and the morning after pill, and the jokes only increased when we found out I was carrying twins. He honestly thought he had supersperm and found it hilarious.

I didn’t find it hilarious that I looked six months pregnant when I was only a few months along. I really didn’t find it hilarious when I graduated with a big ass belly. But every time I felt their little kicks, I was reminded that these little girls were a blessing, not a mistake.

Oliver and I could do this; we knew we could. We made a plan to get married, buy a house together, for both of us to work, and to give these girls the life they deserved.

Too bad plans never work out the way you want them to….


I stared at myself in the mirror. I wish I could have afforded a better outfit, but this would have to do. My white shirt was buttoned up, making sure I wasn't revealing too much cleavage, and my curls were in a high bun. I had worn the blazer that belonged to Oliver, hoping it would make me look more sophisticated, but I was now doubting my decision. 

"Miss Ford?"

"Mrs. Ford," I replied with a smile. Most people my age weren't married, so this wasn't the first time I had to correct someone.

"Of course, I apologize. Please come with me." The kind woman in front of me said.

Once we sat down, she introduced herself. "I am Alisson, and if you get this job, I will be your supervisor. So, I usually like to start with a small introduction of myself and this business, and then I’ll ask you some questions."

I nodded my head and smiled while listening to Allison tell me a little about her life. Apparently she was a mother of three; her husband worked in the same hotel, but as the head bartender, and they had worked here most of their adult lives.

"Once we thought about starting a family, I was so happy to learn about the daycare options this job provides."

I smiled politely, "it is one of the reasons I applied for this job; it would make it a lot easier for me to juggle being a single mom and working at the same time."

Allison seemed confused and stared at the paper in her hand and then my hand. "I am sorry, but you said single mother?"

I nodded, "my husband died three years ago." I explained, twirling the ring he bought me around my finger. It wasn’t much, but it was the only thing we could afford at the time, and I loved it because it reminded me of Oliver.

"I am so sorry for your loss," Alisson said, and I prayed that being a widow would buy me some sympathy points since my job experience was basically nothing.

"Thank you. I am all my girls have left, and I want to give them the best life I possibly can. So I am willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to make that happen."

"And what about a support system? Do you have anyone to watch your children when they get sick or...?"

I thought about my answer, choosing my words carefully. "I just arrived here, so unfortunately, not."

"I see."

Shit. I know what that means. But what else was I going to say? Yeah, I used to have great parents-in-law that helped me take care of my girls, until they decided to file for custody behind my back, and I am now in a legal battle with them that has put me into debt, and I really need this job to not become homeless.

Allison smiled at me before handing me back my resume. "Let’s start on a trial basis. When can you start?"

"Tomorrow!" I said excitedly. I couldn't believe my luck. A job that provides daycare options close to my new apartment. It was like I hit the jackpot. I didn't even care that I would be cleaning hotel rooms for a living. Mom and dad would have been mortified knowing that their daughter, who they hoped would go to an Ivy League school, was now going to be a maid.

Allison showed me around the building, explaining where the daycare was and which entrance I was supposed to use tomorrow, and I was given my uniform.

I stepped out of the elevator with her, saying goodbye, when I heard a man’s low voice say, "Mate", loud enough for the whole hotel lobby to hear.

"Do you get a lot of tourists here?" I joked, knowing it’s how British people address their friends sometimes.

Allison was quiet, and I looked at her, "Allison?"

"Do you know Mister Hemming?" She whispered.

"Who?" I asked, turning around and seeing a man stare at me from the other side of the lobby. I had never had anyone look at me this way, and it was almost impossible for me to look away from his gaze.

The man exuded sex appeal; his suit fit his muscular body perfectly, and I could spot some tattoos on his chest where he had let his shirt open. His brown hair and short beard made it hard to tell how old he was, but I didn’t really care what his age was. I only cared that he looked good enough to eat and that he was walking towards me.

Shit! He is walking toward me.

I stood frozen, unsure of what to do.

"Mister Hemming, it’s good to see you." Allison said, bowing her head slightly.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I am Allison Reed, remember? We’ve met when discussing the, -"

"No, not you," he said in a low voice that sounded more like a growl. Why did his growl make me feel dizzy?

"This is Ripley Ford. She just started working here. Today actually." Allison said excitedly. She nudged my shoulder, and I finally unfroze. God, that was embarrassing, standing there like a silent idiot.

I extended my hand to greet him, and he took my hand in his. His hand felt warm, and it almost felt like there was some static electricity between us, but instead of it hurting, it only slightly tickled.

Then, before I knew what happened, he turned my hand around, staring at my wedding ring like it was the worst thing he had ever seen. As if it were an evil ring that needed to be destroyed. It was like the ring from Gollem. I chuckled to myself. Oliver would have loved that joke.

He let go of my hand abruptly, growling lowly, and walked away without saying a word. Leaving me standing there stunned with my hand still in the air.

Comments (18)
goodnovel comment avatar
Joanne Julian
love it so far and I want to read more
goodnovel comment avatar
very nice lead up. Makes me want to read more. it teases the senses and gives a nod of what is to come. I normally read novels with gay characters, however after reading about Brax, I'm all in!
goodnovel comment avatar
Christine Walker
I want to read more.

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