
Chapter Eighty Four


I was sitting in my office working when a knock came on the door, making me frown immediately. “Who's there?” I ask quickly, glancing at the door now.

“It's me alpha,” I heard a female's voice outside my office, making me sigh softly wondering what she was looking for here.

“What do you want?” I finally asked, while she told me she had prepared lunch, making me see again.

“I'm not hungry, so you can go now.” I told her, hoping she would just stop bothering me once she heard that, but she didn't stop.

“Alpha you didn't have breakfast, so please have lunch at least.” she pleaded, making me furious immediately.

“Who the hell are you to Tell me to eat?” I barked, making her apologise immediately before running off.

I sigh soft as I finally face my work again. I haven't had any food since morning and that's because I wasn't really hungry.

To be Honest I have been thinking about it since this morning, and somehow I really don't feel like I haven't had a
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