
Surrounded by Dankehs.

Rose’s POV

“So, tell me more about yourself.”

I looked up at him, surprise flittered over my face.

“Don’t you already know about me?” I asked. I continued at his surprised look. “I got the hint the moment I went to your company for the first time. They knew my name already.” I said.

“They could have gotten it from a news site.” He countered.

“Yeah… but then again I figured rich people screen everyone around them.” I raised my eyebrow, daring him to prove me wrong. He didn't.

“Touché.” He smirked lightly, raising his glass of water before drinking.

For a moment, my eyes trailed down to his throat, where his Adam’s apple bobbed as he drank. The sight sent something curling within me.

I shook my head immediately. How could I become so wanton?

I managed to compose myself by the time he was done.

“Well then, since you’ve already assumed that I know everything about you, humor me then.” He said.

The gears turned in my head for what I was about to say.

“Well…I like the color yellow,” I sai
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