
I won’t force you now but don’t push me too much

Thalia felt her face burn in embarrassment. She would be very grateful if the ground could open up and swallow her whole. She tried to look away, but Carter's hold on her chin was too strong. She couldn't even tilt her head, much less move it.

Carter saw her flustered expression and grinned, rubbing her swollen lips with his thumb. Knowing that the reason her lips were swollen was from his kiss gave him a truly gratified feeling. "You can pretend all you want, sugar. Act like you don't want to give in to me. Resist what your instincts are telling you is the right course of action. But you will give in to me, and it will happen eventually. It might frighten you, this feeling you get when I'm around you. There will come a time when these feelings captivate you, leaving you drunk from the rush of giving in to your desires, supple and wanting. You will learn to embrace it soon. Thalia, you just need to stop fighting it. You are not a coward, so stop acting like one

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