
A Vision Or Memory

[Fallon’s POV]

As my eyes close, the world around me begins to shift until I no longer feel the freezing cold stone of the floor beneath me or the pressure of Alton’s body pressing against mine.

Gasping, I open my eyes and find myself staring up at a perfect blue sky. However, I don’t have time to truly take it in as I realize that all around me is air.

My heart begins to pound as I realize that I'm not in my room; instead, I'm hanging out of a window and the ground is a good three stories below.


Fineon’s deep baritone booms from beneath me, startling me enough to make me slip, causing my leg muscles to loosen enough to almost lose their grip on the windowsill.

Cursing, I tighten my hold and try to calm myself.

Using all the strength I can muster, I attempt to slowly lift myself towards the open window with my legs. It hurts and it feels like my calves are on fire, but I ignore the pain.

"Al…most…" I wheeze, reaching out in an attempt to grab something. "There…"

Gritting my
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Eliza Selmer
Currently I don't have a set one as my day job has been taking up all my energy, but I hope to get back to daily updates soon.
goodnovel comment avatar
Wow very interesting update. Can’t wait for the next! Do you have an update schedule?

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