
Until The Bloodmoon

[Fallon’s POV]


A surge of power rushes through me as I snap my gaze from the unmoving Rosa to Hindrick, who is still standing bewildered. Something needed to be done, otherwise I feared that Armia would make Hindrick do something he regretted.


As the words leave my lips, power explodes from within me and slams into Hindrick, sending him stumbling backward and putting distance between him and Armia.

"Wha...?" he groans, seeming to finally wake up. "What the hell?"

A growl of anger escapes Armia as she turns to face me. Her eyes, which had been dark before, glowed a dangerous red.

"You," she hisses, lifting a finger and pointing at me. "How did you?"

"Who the hell are you?"

In one switch motion, Hindrick strikes out, grabbing Armia by her throat and lifting. Letting out a laugh, Armia grabs Hindrick’s wrists and squeezes.

"My dear grandson," she giggles, causing a look of shock to flash in Hindrick’s eyes. "Would you really kill your own flesh and blood?"

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Eliza Selmer
You're quite welcome.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ren Spencer
Thank you!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Eliza Selmer
And the answer to what really happened to Talon is in the chapter Secrets Revealed. sorry for the multiple responses I had to go back and find the chapters that answered your questions incase you wanted to go back and read them. :)

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