
Chapter 10

Killian's POV

I had awakened from one of the most peaceful slumbers I had experienced in a long while. The night before had been filled with tender moments and passionate encounters, leaving me thoroughly content..

Throughout the night, we had whispered words of love into each other's ears, our bodies intertwined intimately, a dance against the sheets. Waves of pleasure and adoration propelled us, driving us to explore one another again and again..

In the pinnacle of our ecstasy, we had marked each other, as if to seal our destiny of eternal happiness. But little did I realize that not all paths lead to a blissful end.

As I gazed at her peacefully slumbering form next to me, a smile crept across my face. However, there was an unsettling tranquility about her sleep. Planting gentle kisses on her forehead, cheeks, and finally her lips, I anticipated a playful response or a flicker of awakening. Yet, no reaction came forth.

Considering it a playful prank, I decided to tickle her, hop
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