

Chapter 52 LET'S GO HOME

Lucious could feel Daryl whining in pain. He felt as if he had just been stabbed in the heart when he heard those words leave his mate's lips.

She hated him, she really does.

Lucious felt like laughing at himself right now. Of course, did he expect her to just accept him just like that? After everything he had put her through?

Lucious knew the rogue hated him already. He could see the pure hatred for him in her eyes even

Lucious could see the hatred swimming in those blue eyes as she glared at him. If it was any other person, he wouldn't have mind at all. In fact, he would enjoy seeing it.

He didn't care whether he was hated or not, whether he was feared ot not.

No, the former him didn't. Now it mattered to him, what she thought of him.

His mate.

He couldn't bear to see the hatred in her eyes. Lucious would do anything she asked, even if she told him to rip his heart out, he will gladly do that for her. If it would get rid of her hatred for him, he would do i
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