
The Lawsuit

Chapter Thirty-eight

The Lawsuit

Sophie’s POV

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, I woke up to find my children nestled beside me. Amara and Asher, their innocent faces at rest, were a reminder of the looming crisis and challenge that hung over our lives. I knew that Maxon had likely already started working on obtaining custody of the kids, and the thought of facing him in court filled me with a deep sense of unease.

I headed for the bathroom and took my bath, then head out of the kitchen to make breakfast before the kids wake up.

As I did so, my thoughts waved again, back to the looming battle.

I had chosen to leave the life I had before behind, to escape the toxic environment, and to build a new life with my children. It had been a difficult journey, filled with challenges and uncertainties, but it was a journey I would take again and again if it meant protecting Amara and Asher.

The sound of my children's laughter reached my ears as they stirred awake from their slum
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