
An old friend

Chapter 51 An Old Friend


“That asshole!”

I cursed as I spread the bedsheet for the fifth time since I woke up. I almost didn't sleep through the whole night because I couldn't get his words out of my head. Who the fuck does he think he is? Coming at me like that and saying he isn't concerned about who I am. The audacity! He called me a clown. Me? A clown? That is just so below the belt; how dare he! Even if I am not born to a total household. I am a living being, and I should have as much respect as any other person would get. He is such a bastard!

I tried not to think about it when he came at me suddenly. Or it probably just didn't dawn on me quickly. For a brief second, my stupid self almost fell for his change of heart. I thought we were getting to the point where we could be vulnerable with each other. Now that I think of it, I feel stupid. What was I thinking? Someone like Gael believes the world revolves around him, and any slight changes in the control he thinks he h
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goodnovel comment avatar
Great chapters. I feel sorry for the Alpha and the healer.

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