
Chapter 140

Cyrus’ pov

Fuck fuck fuck. My parents could be so fucking mean. I could handle it by myself, but I really didn’t want them to say anything to April. Growing up they were so strict. Every grade had to be an A and I had to look and act perfect. They made everything into a fucking competition and me being the youngest, I usually lost.

There were no emotions allowed growing up, you couldn’t get mad or sad. We had to be fucking perfect robots. Seeing how April was raising Oliver reminded me of how differently I was raised. There was no love, only expectations and image. Fuck, why were they here?

I walked in, April besides me. Joshua smiled at my parents. “This is April, Cyrus’ girlfriend.

My parents walked over to me and my dad shook my hand. “So I guess you switches hairstyles.” He said as he looked at my long hair and April’s pixie cut.

My mom stood next to him and nudged him, “don’t be rude. Can’t you tell she’s hurt. Who know if she had cancer

Naomi D.

So I tried to write their sex scene differently than Lily and Osiris or as Charlotte and Eros'. I hope I succeeded. I honestly use this website that has a list of words to use, because I never know how to discribe those things hahaha. sexy thesaurus it's called if you're interested. I wanted to create a moment for April that she realized how she felt about Cyrus. His parents being so mean made her go all defensive and made her finally say those words for the same time. Hope you loved it. Let me know what you think and what you think will happen now that Cyrus is marked. I have already thought of what will happen next, but I am curious what your thoughts are. I'll write about their hospital visit and maybe include a double date with Lily/Os tomorrow.

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Comments (9)
goodnovel comment avatar
Loved the chapter… they need their own book...
goodnovel comment avatar
Samantha White Riley
Way to go April! I'm wondering if her marking him will start the turning process... on another note I do like how you used completely different terminology to describe their sexual encounter. More realistic for them.
goodnovel comment avatar
I love the chapter- and the thesaurus tip! Cy's parents are just as bad as he painted them, and she handled them wonderfully. I'm glad he's marked but hope he stays human but joins the pack. I think it will challenge some of the pack members thinking.Fastened means to do up, or latch onto something.

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