
Chapter 167

Meadow’s pov

I laid there holding Chris’ hands until the doctor came and brought us to the hospital. I still can’t believe he defended me like that, jumped I front of me while wolves were attacking me. Where did he even come from? Wasn’t he supposed to be elsewhere during the attack?

It didn’t take that long too heal. Thank the Goddess for healing powers. Cyrus was a lot worse off and then I couldn’t even think about Benedict and his wife. I still saw their bodies when I closed my eyes at night. I hadn’t been in battle before. I had seen death, but not like this. Not up close.

Chris and I had talked a bit throughout the last two weeks. But mostly about nonsense and the weather. I think we both didn’t know what to do about each other. After such a battle, romance wasn’t really a priority. We were rebuilding, burying our dead. Chris was busy helping out at school, especially those kids that had lost someone.

We’ve been seeing each other during

Naomi D.

sorry had to write this quickly. need to pick my kid up from swimm class.

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
This is definitely a perfect date for them. Much less pressure and they can just get comfortable with each other.
goodnovel comment avatar
Yup! Alpha Bernard banished her and then she was a rogue for a few years and then Alpha Kendrick had Nero pay some rogues to attack Osiris’ pack, and she was one of them. Because of Lily’s influence, Beta Ryker tried talking to Meadow instead of torturing her and then they took her in.
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda Solinko
i am confused.. wasn't alpha k the brother and it was alpha Bernard her old alpha

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