
Chapter 99

Lily’s pov

It’s been months now since my mom died. It’s getting better, but I it’s been rough. Osiris has been my rock. He knows what losing a parent feels like better than anyone else. He calls Eddie and dad weekly to check up on them and I love him for that.

The funeral was beautiful. We all spoke about mom, remembering her with our pack. We all ran together and howled at the moon as a way to release our anger and sadness. I couldn’t stay at my old pack too long, I wanted to be home when we found the men or women that betrayed us.

It didn’t take long for Jara and Riker to locate those that were on guard duty that night. And after some questioning it was clear that one member was involved. Of course he already left as soon as he heard of Alpha Gabriel’s death, so it took a while to track him down. Osiris and I decided to speak to the whole pack about this. Letting them know that if they have any problems they can come to us and that everyone is free

Naomi D.

So I have an idea for Charlotte's second mate. would you like another chapter from her pov? it wouldn't take over the whole story, just a chapter or two.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Hester Smith
Yes please
goodnovel comment avatar
Yay! I’m so glad Neron and Jean have done so well and proven themselves, and now Os and Lily can focus on their own pack.
goodnovel comment avatar
Lisa Humphreys
Give Charlotte a great second chance mate. Her pov would be great ! A side story running in the background

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