


“Wow, your coffee tastes pretty good” Claus states with a smile dangling on his lips.

I had followed him out for a morning jog not just to exercise my muscles but also from being trapped in the house for three days.

Being Married has never felt so worse, most pack members didn’t seem to like me much which I don’t give a fuck about it, but my plan of getting myself out of here still stands.

Unlike Sage Clause is a bit more welcoming and friendly not that I trust me or something but at least my jog with him today has made us exchange a few things about each other.

“Thanks” I stated gulping my coffee.

“Why don’t you take this to Sage, I am pretty sure he needs as much” Clause suggests.

My brows furrowed at his statement, “Meaning?” I couldn’t help but ask.

He shrugs, “Just that he doesn’t get much rest these days, always on the edge and running between handling the company and being an Alpha” He explains.

I nod, “Yeah but that’s why you are there to help” I state the obvious.

He chuckles, “We all have our fair share of the workload, and Sage would rather burn to hell than accept help from anybody”

I am not even surprised.

“Oh,” I simply say unsure of how to respond.

“Hey, I know he’s being too hard on you but trust me he was not always like this. He’s a good man, you just need to discover that side of him” Clause says his tune soft and truthful.

Good Man? I don’t see an ounce of humanity in that fucker not to get judgy though but he’s a pain in the neck.

“What do you mean by he was not always like this?” I couldn’t help but ask.

I know it was not my business to pry but the curiosity in me got the better of me.

He took the last gulp of his coffee dropping the cup down. “It’s not my story to tell. As I said, you just need to bring back that side in him” he says emphasizing the word ‘That’

“I should get going, I got to get ready for work, don’t wanna get late” he announces cutting the sudden silence before heading out the kitchen door.

He paused by the door, “Oh, and thanks again for the coffee and I hope we could do this more often” he says.

My lips spread into a smile, “You’re welcome, and I hope we do too” I respond before he nods and walk away.

I let out a sigh contemplating whether or not to consider making Sage a cup.

He didn’t deserve it, he didn’t even deserve my kindness, not one bit of it.

It was an insane idea but c’mon, I was better than this.

Letting out a growl I proceed to make it for him making sure not to put too much sugar for some reason.

Being done, I heaved a sigh still contemplating whether or not to go on with this cause I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression.

After mentally scolding myself I picked the cup up and headed to his room hoping that he was even there.

I knocked on the door waiting for a response which didn’t come for almost about three minutes.


I hissed deciding to walk in and drop it off.

Creaking the door open I met with a deem huge room that had manly exquisite room deco that complemented each aspect of the room, the smell was soft yet harsh.

I cleared my head doing what I had initially come here for, my eyes roamed around for his figure but didn’t see him.

My mind ran through thoughts seeing if I could feel him nearby but no signs.

Letting out a breath I proceeded to the bedside to drop off the cup but before I could, his voice halted my actions.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” He thundered making my heart skip a bit.

I bit on my lower lip mumbling curses underneath my breath before turning to face his shirtless figure.

My eyes widen at the perfection ahead of me making me gulp in.

Just how much time does he spend at the gym? Cause with this, I could say a lot.

Shaking off the thoughts in my head I squared my shoulders, “I brought you a cup of coffee not because I wanted to but was asked to” I say.

He remains mute assessing me for a second before taking steps close to me.

With each step he took my heart dropped as I took steps back till I was pinned to the wall.

He stretched out his hands motioning for the cup which I handed him over. He lifted it as though he was going to take it before he let the cup slip causing it to shatter to the ground.

“If you think I’d accept anything from you, then you must be more stupid than I thought” he states causing me to shriek.

“How dare you!” I spat irritated and enraged as I watched my effort go to waste.

I knew it, I should have never considered this idea in the first place then maybe I won't have to take shit from the asshole in front of me.

“Listen Lyra, you have no rights whatsoever to step foot into my den. You’re idiotic to think I would ever trust you to the extent of taking things from you. If you think poising me would be that easy, then try harder next time” he says his eyes blazing with fury.

My lips part to give him a response but he cuts me off by leaning in our lips an inch away from colliding.

He reached for my lower lip running his thumb on it, “Such beautiful lips you have there” he complements his lips spreading into a smirk, “Too bad they’re full of crap”

I sucked in a harsh breath feeling very uncomfortable by the proximity.

His smirk soon drew back to his usual scowl as he leaned back. “Now get out!”


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